Friday 23 March 2012


Method 1: Least significant Bit (LSB)

To research and gain information about Least significant Bit (LSB)

  • 24-bit color: every pixel can have one in 2^24 colors, and these are represented as different quantities of three basic colors: red (R), green (G), blue (B), given by 8 bits (256 values) each.
  • 8-bit color: every pixel can have one in 256 (2^8) colors, chosen from a palette, or a table of colors.
  • 8-bit gray-scale: every pixel can have one in 256 (2^8) shades of gray.  
  • LSB insertion modifies the LSBs of each color in 24-bit images, or the LSBs of the 8-bit value for 8-bit images.
  • Given the following 8 carrier bytes 
                            10010101 00001101 11001001 10010110
                            00001111 11001011 10011111 00010000

         Example: Insert some payload - the letter ‘G’, in ASCII: 01000111.The resulting bytes are

                            10010100 00001101 11001000 10010110
                            00001110 11001011 10011111 00010001

         Only half of the available bytes were affected by our insertion. Change is relatively undetectable.

Original Image 
Embedded Image that contains 4826 letter

Least significant Bit (LSB) is the most common technique used. It is very simple and works with both color and grayscales images.

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