Friday 16 March 2012


Grapic User Interface (GUI)

To learn and explore about GUI in MATLAB

The MATLAB GUI design system allows you to create applications consisting of one or more ‘dialogs’ containing typical ‘controls’ such as buttons, edit boxes, lists and pictures.

The most common controls are:
q       Menu options: Selection calls up an operation by name
q       Push buttons: Clicking calls up some operation
q       Edit boxes: User can enter some text or numerical value
q       List boxes: User can choose among list of items
q       Figures: Program can display graphical results
q       Text: Program can display textual result

Some of the example that I've built:

Throughout this, I know how to build a simple single-figure dialog to control my application, know how to add menus, figures, text, buttons and edit boxes to my dialog and know how to associate MATLAB code to events generated by the dialog controls.

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